Support - accord HRM

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I see/enable Inactive Employees in the Employee Directory List?

Go the Employee Directory > Fields > Enable Status Field > Filter > Switch to Inactive Employees Filter

How do I add a new Employee?

Under the Management Portal you can add a new Employee with the "+ Add Employee" button. However, keep in mind that in order to have an active employee you will need to fill in both their "Personal Information" page and "Contracts" page with all the necessary up-to-date details.

How do I run a regular Payrun?

Use the Payrun Wizard under the Payroll Section. The Wizard is designed to make sure all information is taken into account payroll run. However, keep in mind any employee that either has no or an expired contract their records will not show up during the payrun since they become tagged as "Inactive Employee". Therefore add/renew any contracts beforehand from the Employees section.